Friday, August 18, 2023

Neurology Congress

Last chance to join 3rd International Conference on Neurology & Brain Disorders happening in London UK

Venue: Crowne Plaza London - Ealing

Save the date: August 21–22, 2023  
Submit your abstract and register now

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Neurology & Brain Disorders

 Mark your calendars!!

3rd International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders | London, UK, August 21–22, 2023 
Learn about the benefits that participants receive, such as
1. Career Development
2. Making International Scientific Connections
3. Meeting International Speakers

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Neurology Meetings 2023

Neurology & Brain Disorders

 August 21–22, 2023 | London, UK

Meet Dr. Abrar Younas
The University of Medicine, Göttingen, Germany
Title: Tau-interactome mapping reveals mitochondrial abnormalities, regulation of neurotransmitter level, and exocytosis in rapidly progressive Alzheimer’s disease brain

Monday, July 3, 2023

Neurology Conference 2023

 Dr. Alan Wang from University of Auckland, New Zealand is presenting his research in the upcoming "Neurology Conference 2023" 

To listen to his talk, kindly register at

Title: Is computational neuroimaging a way for post-stroke precision rehabilitation

3rd International Conference on Neurology & Brain Disorders
August 21-22, 2023 London, UK

Neurology Congress

Last chance to join 3rd International Conference on Neurology & Brain Disorders  happening in London UK Venue: Crowne Plaza London - Eal...